Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Plays Hides an an an Seeks

One ob my fabrit games tew plays wid Ma bees *Hides an an an Seeks*! Wen Ma bizee, I hides somewares in da housie. Den I YOWLS at da top ob my lungs until Ma come an find me. Den she sez *Gotcha!* an an an I runs runs runs round da housie!

Den I finds ANNUDER place tew hides an an an duz da same ting. It FUN! Yew shuds tries it! It always make Ma laff, an an an dat gud! I duz dis tree or foo times an den Ma pik me up an cuddle me. I likes dat tew!


1 comment:

  1. Oh we play that one Margo! Its fun!
    Buddy really gets going with a long Mrrroooorrrrwwwwrrrrr. He does that down the stairs and it echos. Meow!
