Ma hab a birfda las Monda. Yep. She turn 55. WOW, Ma - dat OLD! Yew almos a ANTEEK!!! Sheesh. It bin a gud day fur us acuz
I GIT A BIRFDA PURREZZIE ON MA'S BIRFDA!!!!! WOWIE!! I got a *Nap Spot* frum !! It a Hello Kitty- WAITS A MINIT???? Duz I no dis kitty? Why it saying hello???? Duz I needs tew sez hello tew it??? Anyway it bees a round blankee wid catnip in it........sniff Sniff SNiff SNIFf SNIFF SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
ALARM ALARM!! GIT REDDY TEW ATTAKS!! Eeeeeers bak, eyes like sawsers, tale in FULL BLOOM......reddy.......sets.......
Under da kishen table in out in out in out up down up down ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM sniff sniff sniff SNIFFFFFFFF ZOOMIE!! On da coush bak an for bak an for bak an for STOPS!
Wow dat gud................. I eggzawsted now. I tinks I agunna takes a nap on my *Nap Spot*.........I no I agunna has gud dreems..........sniff sniff sniffzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Lush Mubs,
tew bees continyew.........................
Happy Birthday to Ma
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Ma
Cause Margo Loves you and so do we!
Happy Birthday to Ma
Yay Whee
Hi Ma! We got a Tranquility Blankee!
Maybe we will get a Nip one next